welcome to marc poljak photography. here you will find a diverse collection of images and writings on a range of topics.
these days, the photography side of the studio is mainly focused on creating thematic portfolios and photo essays built around landscape, still life and abstract subject matter. you will also find an ongoing collection of images from travels and excursions undertaken by the duo of marc and amy.
on the writing side of marc poljak photography studio, you will find somewhat regular posts in the studio blog (unofficially titled: this is not for you) about new work or new ideas under consideration, or just about anything really. since the interests of marc poljak photography are quite expansive, you're just as likely to find something about philosophy or science or literature as you are about the existential dread of not being able to make interesting photographs. one thing you definitely will not find is talk about camera gear. hate taking about it. hate hearing about. so if that is what you came here for, this site is not for you.
for the foreseeable future, you also will be able to follow the continuing tales of attic cat and basement cat.eventually their antics will evolve into a long-format photo story in book form. principle photography is in progress with an as yet unknown completion date.
also, over the next couple of months, we will be adding details to the site about two short films- laundry day and red exclamation! - the studio has been producing over the last many years. funding issues and almost endless script rewrites have plagued the productions from the start. however, with the great advances in hd video recording through canon's eos slr camera platform, the production team is hopeful that the budget originally slated for super 16mm film processing can now be reallocated towards other production concerns. a third film, tentatively titled - this is not for you - is in the final stages of screenplay development after nearly 10 years of research and rewriting.
visitors to this site will notice that there are no capital letters used anywhere. this is simply a matter of style and a dislike for using the shift key. in no way should this be interpreted as an endorsement or homage to the poetry of e.e. cummings. you will find lots of punctuation. some used correctly, some not. again, this is a stylistic choice on the part of the writer. deal with it.
marc poljak photography welcomes any and all communications. feel free to send an email to the studio any time you wish. most messages are responded to in short order.